I know, there really is not magic formula as to become a dating monger. Every case vary, which actually gives it a thrill. Not knowing what will happen still makes dating a lot of fun. But that is if you know what you are doing. That is why I thought that I can give everyone out there some tips when it comes to being better in the dating game.

Be prepared. We've heard it a million of times. Never go to battle unprepared or you're just asking to be killed. If you want to be successful in going out on dates, you should be decided on who you are looking for. Do your research - what you like, what type of person are you willing to meet, etc. You should also be committed when you decide to start dating again. Or else, if you are half-hearted about it, you might as well just sit back home and watch TV rather than getting rejected every time.
Be the best that you can be. This goes with your appearance. It may be wrong and shallow to say, but having that lasting first impression is key when it comes to dating. And of course, how else can you expect to have a good first impression if you don't look good. Why not begin a regime of looking your best. Join a gym, read health magazines, get fit and start a diet. Maybe get a hair cut that suits you best. You should also go shopping and treat yourself to new clothes. As they say, looking good id not a crime.
Have dating goals and timescales. This is just like every task and project you have, either in work, at home or in life. Be sure what you really want and when you want it. Do you see yourself getting married in a couple of years? Then you better approach dating more accordingly. If you just wanna meet people, then be more laid back and cool about how you go out on dates.
Choose wisely. This means that you should go for those people you have a good chance of dating. Don't aim too low, but not too high. Just be realistic when making your choice for your dates. You don't wanna end up being stuck with someone you don't like, as much as you don't wanna be hurt after being rejected, right?
Know your local dating scene. This is crucial. Just knowing what to do on dates is not enough because you certainly need to know where you can go out on dates, and get the dates themselves. Do your homework and find out where you can likely to meet people like clubs, societies, sports events and other venues. You will not meet people by just staying indoors.
Take a break from dating once in a while. If you feel that the dating scene is being cruel on you, just take some time off and focus your attention on something else, like maybe work or studies. Dating is just like a ball game. You still need some rest to refresh yourself so that you can recharge your confidence and keep your optimism levels high. Remember, dates for you won't run out, but it can sure get tired of you.
Just enjoy dating. You are going out because you wanna have fun. Take it seriously, but never make it your life. If you feel like dating is taking a toll on you and being a burden for you, it is the time to just back off.
Don't make yourself too available. It may be a cliche but almost all people still wants some mystery and enigma. The thrill of the chase when dating still puts more fun to it. Besides, putting out so much will just show people that you are cheap and not the one to be taken seriously
So there you go. Just follow these simple tips and give your dating life a bit of a boost. These things are just opinions and are not guaranteed to have 100% effectivity, but there is no harm in trying them.
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