As I've said, pick-up lines, no matter what negative reputation they have, are still very important when it comes to dating and flirting and basically, meting people. These lines, may they be cheesy and corny, are what we, especially men, rely on when starting a conversation with the woman they see on a bar and like. Pick-up lines, I'd like to believe, are the gateway on which a good relationship starts. But I also think that they serve as that thin line between a romantic night between possible lovers or a disastrous, nasty, awkward and embarrassing mess. What kind of words that comes out one's mouth can actually make or break a dating chance and a chance for, well, love. So here you go, here are just some of the pick-up lines that I find romantic that have a bigger chance of working on anyone out there. You may try using them, but I warn you: Use them at your own risk!
10. "Who's your friend?"
Simple but very risky. You are putting up your chance by trying to shift the attention to the person he or she is with. But if he or she replies, you're in because hey, he/she is talking to you already. You have his/her attention and that's what you want.
9. "What's your name?"
Okay, this time the person you like is the center of your attention, or at least you'll have them believe that. With this line, there is surely no room for embarrassment. If the person gives his/her name to you, then you're in. If they don't, doesn't matter. They will just not talk to you and you just walk away with your dignity.
8. "Tell me something. Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven?"
Flattery is the best tool, especially on picking up girls. This might not work that well for men, but still, it;s worth a try. Telling the person this just shows them that you think of them as angels. And c'mon, what can be better than being considered an angel?
7. "You dropped something, my jaw!"
This is you saying that the person is hot. And you have the hots for her. Clever, sweet and cute...
6. "Are you tired? 'Cause you've been running through my mind all day."
Just be careful with this one, because you might some off as some insane lunatic. But if it works, you'll definitely get some good loving because you have just manage to tell the person you are eyeing that you will make them the most important person in the world.
5. "When God made you, He was showing off!"
Another clever and witty way to tell the person that he/she looks good. This one will definitely work best if the person you are going after is also religious.
4. "I may not be the best-looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to you."
Using this line, you might wanna think first because you need to look at least decent before these words leave your mouth. If you're a good-looking person, this just shows that you are being modest. And women like non-arrogant SOBs. But if you are ugly, using this line is just broadcasting how pathetic and insecure you are.
3. "See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute."
Another way of showing the person you're into that you are not some airhead whose looks is the only important thing in the world. You might also follow this one with something like, "I just can't believe that they always say yes..."
2. "So what haven't you been told tonight?"
Very original, and this one will make you stand out from all the other jerks who tried hitting on that person. You acknowledge their being attractive, while sympathizing with their frustration with those other pathetic losers. You also showed that your are confident and interested enough to try it with them.
1. "I made a bet with myself that you have wonderful eyes. Guess what? I won."
Sweet, cute, smart, witty, romantic. Anything you would wanna hear another person say to you. So why not try it to get the person you like.
So there you go? My Top 10 Best Pick-up Line. Again, use them at your own risk. Well, dating basically that: taking your risk for the person you like. So one day, you can go off to some romantic place and live happily ever after.

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