That is why it is just very important for men to know what they should say to the girl they see on the bar that they like. Regardless of what women say about not liking pick-up lines, the opening lines should always be funny, witty, original, sincere and subtle. Men should avoid using language that is crude, insulting, condescending, abusive and arrrogant. It may sound like an impossible tasks, but guys should know what they are doing and saying. Or at least what not to say. That is why I present to you, the top 10 worst pick-up lines any guy should not use. Unless he likes to have a slap in the face and a broken ego before calling it a night.
10. "Pssst..."
Talk about being rude. She has a name. Why not just approach her and ask for it. Instead of being a baby and calling her like a dog.
9. “What’s your sign?”
This is the epitome of being cheesy. Added to the fact that this one is as old as your grandmother. You may get to hear very often in movies and TV shows, but this line just doesn't work in real life. And it should be buried immediately.
8. “Pardon me, I seem to have lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?”
Another one of those classics. This was popular around the early to mid-1910's. But you just have to give it a rest because telephones are just not that cool. And using it to pick-up women is just lame.
7. “Can I take your picture? I want Santa to know exactly what I want for Christmas.”
Treating women like they are your property is just something that any man should not do. Especially when they just met. And this line just screams "guy is a egostic maniac who treats women as toys."
6. “Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?”
Arrogant and delusional, do you really think women dig men that are both of these?
5. "How would you like your eggs for breakfast: scrambled, boiled or fertilized?"
This one may sound funny, but trying to be witty at the same time presumptuous is just plain idiotic. And you don't want your dream girl to think of you that way, right?
4. "You might as well sleep with me because I'm going to tell everybody we did it anyway."
Prepare you face because you are definitely going to get slapped the moment these line come out from your mouth. Lines with sexual overtones just don't work on most women.
3. "Hey babe, do you know that my bedroom is soundproof?"
They are not hookers. If you want this line to work, I suggest you guys just head off to the red-light district of your neighborhood.
2. "Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?"
Women don't like to be treated as property, the same way that they don't like the feeling that they are being bought.
1. "If you've lost your virginity, can I have the box it came in?"
You just told the girl that you think she's not a virgin. What's the matter with you? Why not just ask her if it's that time of the month for her too? No pick-up line should have any reference to a woman's genitalia. And for that matter, yours too.
So guys, there you go? These lines may sound funny to you, but they are not to women who are sensitive. That is why never ever use any of these pick-up lines so you can still have a good time without getting beaten up into a bloody pulp.

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