What this means is that you should be able to capitalize with all your resources and use them very wisely. Most dating sites out there have limits when it comes to personal introductions, photos that can be posted and size of video personals. So use what you have and maximize as much as possible. If you can only put 10 photos in your ad, use all of them and put your best face forward. Don't waste precious space for images of cartoon characters and our pets just because they are cute. If you can, have professionals do your photos for you.
2. Put your best face forward
This is the second time I have said this, well, because it is important to do so. It won't matter how awesome your ad is, or if you have awesome pictures taken by a top-class photographer showing your best assets. If you have a little flaw in your ad, say a misspelled word or wrong grammar on your introduction, or one of your photos have you looking like you just woke up, these will definitely ruin everything you have worked for.
3. Speak your mind
There is nothing wrong in telling the whole world what type of person you are looking for, as long as they are feasible and not weird. So if you are looking for someone to have fun with, say it. You want a blonde, brunette, redhead, say it. This will just show everyone who happens to get across your profile that your are a person who knows what he/she wants and speak up to get it. Confidence, always the best tool in impressing other people.
4. Get their attention
The first thing, aside from your photos maybe, that can call attention of other people to look into your profile and waste some time reading it is your headline. Choose something that can easily grab people's attention. Be unique. Everyone is so tired of the line "Looking fo someone to have fun with..." or "Lonely guy seeking girl." These are just pathetic. Why not try something like "Confessions of a San Diego Bachelor" or "Days in the Life of a Sleek Chick from New York..." Now that will definitely have you shining above the rest.
5. Use "social proof"
What is "social proof", you ask? Well, this is one way you can show other people on the Net that you are not some weirdo or basketcase looking for some fast thrills. By posting a couple of photos or you with your friends, preferably those that are good-looking, you are assuring them not you are not some nutjob. This way, you also show them that you are up to their standards because beautiful people hang out with you.
6. Get a second opinion
About your profile that is. When you're done with your personal ad, have a friend - preferably that of the opposite sex - to critique your ad for you. This way, you'll be able to test drive your ad before taking out on the road. If they make fun of something you posted in your ad, change it immediately because it's for your own good.
7. Always be on top
Most dating sites place profiles that have been recently updated at the very top of the search results. And these profiles on the top of the bunch gets pretty much all the attention. That is exactly where you want your ad to be at all the time. So make sure that you update your profile as often as you can so you'll always be on top of everybody else. It can be anything, as long as you make little tweaking on your page to make sure you will rise to the top.

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