1. Trying too hard
It may be true that it's important to establish to the other person that you are a nice person, but it is also true that you should not overdo it. If you're a guy, being the knight in shining armor may be good, but it can also be too tacky. For the ladies, don't be too demure or sensitive. Just be your good self and let everything fall into their right place.
2. Choosing a bad venue
A couple of examples of bad dating venue are a fastfood joint, a Hooters bar and a very expensive resto. The first will tell your date you're cheap, the second that you're a pervert, and the last that you're an arrogant show-off. Just make it low profile, not too cheap and not too expensive. Or you can go on and be creative. A coffee house, the park, the beach - anywhere where the both of you can relax and have a good time talking and getting to know each other.
3. Being wishy-washy
If your date asks you where you wanna go, don't answer them with "doesn't matter." When it's time to order, don't be long and then just say that you're having what your date is having. This shows them that you are a spineless human being with no capability to decided for himself/herself. This is more awful if you're the guy. You don't want your date to think that you are the kind of guy who don't have plans and direction in life.

If by any chance you and your date end up in a place where there is a TV, say a restaurant or a bar with a tube behind the bar, you should never ever let them catch you watching it. Or better yet, don't even dare try to watch from it. And it doesn't matter if your favorite soap or gameshow is on. If your date is talking, you are suppose to listen and not wander on other things.
5. Being too honest
Honesty is the best policy, but not every time. And that includes the first date. This may not be the right time to tell your date that you have been arrested for drunk-driving or you have just gotten out of rehab. But that doesn't mean that you can lie. Just don't bring up your dark past when it's the first time you're going out with another person.
6. Constantly interrupting
The date is not only about you. Don't keep on jumping in when your date is trying to tell you a story about a trip they had or about their work. There is time for you to talk, and that is not when they are talking. That is just plain rude and is not only applicable on dates but in all kinds of social function. You should have known that by now.
7. Dressing inappropriately
Okay, you wanna impress your date. But please, don't do it with your body. If you happen to have a nice set of abs or breasts, don't flaunt too much of it and show them off with slutty clothes. Though this may work for some people, dressing up properly for the ocassion is still the prerequisite.
8. Going on taboo topics
You can talk about all sorts of things during your first date: yourself, background, work, past trips, etc. But just not the following: previous relationships, past heartbreaks, religion, politics and money. Also, avoid dropping names and bragging because these are topics more appropriate for locker room talks.
9. Flirting with the waiter/waitress
It doesn't matter if the person doing the waiting on your table is cute, hot and sexy. You are on a date and keep your focus on the person you're with. It's just rude to keep on checking out the waiter/waitress, or any other people around, when you are on a date.
10. Being drunk
It's okay to have fun on the first date. In fact, that is the main reason why you're there in the first place. Just don't have too much fun. It's okay to order a couple of alcoholic drinks, maybe a tequila shots for both of you. But it's important to know your limit because you don't wanna end up pissed drunk and you're date, the one person you are trying to impress, see you puking your guts out or passed out somewhere. That's just not cool.
So there you go. Just remember these simple scenearios and never ever let them happen on your first date. And we gurantee you will have an awesome dating life ahead of you.
My pleasure to come across your blog and read it, keep posting.
Thanks For Sharing Nice Mature Dating tips and advices,
Keep Such Dating Tips Continue.
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