1. Conquer your fear
The first problem one can encounter in trying to score a date after getting a telephone number is oneself. This is especially true with guys who always want to be cool about it so they postpone calling the girl a couple of days after they got their number. This then turn into weeks, then months until they finally lose the chance of seeing the hot lady again. All you have to do is just swallow your pride and fear and dial that phone and make that call.
2. Keep it short
If you does manage to get the balls to call them, be sure to be brief and precise. It's a common misconception that people wants to talk long on the phone when it's the first time you do talk. Just set up the date and leave all the talking on that said date. This is because if you talk long, this will just make you a pathetic loser in the eyes of your prospect because you don't have anything more important to do but talk on the phone.
3. End it first
Now this is one secret only a chosen gifted few knows. When having a conversation over the phone, the one who ends the call first wins the interaction. So if you are the one who cuts the conversation short, this gives you power. And if you're a guy, this will show girl that you are a man of confidence and dignity. And what else are women looking for in a guy but those two things.
4. Limit the time frame
When you agree on a date, be SPECIFIC about what you are going to do and how long you'll be together. You can say something like, “Let's meet at Tom's on Thursday at 8:00 p.m. for 20 minutes or so and have a quick drink." This way you won't scare off your date. When you set up a short time frame for the meeting, you avoid expectations. You won’t be forced to spend time with someone you aren’t into.

If you're afraid of leaving a message on their machine, you may have just lost another date because most people have it and use it to screen their calls, especially if they are so used to giving their numbers to strangers like you. That is why it is important for you to learn how to leave a voicemail for them. Keep the message short and sweet. Remind them who you are but don't give too much details. Just tell them where and when you met and a little background about you. Simple and to the point is always the best. If they don't call you back, just give it some time and try again. If you don't get a call after that, just move on. Don't act like a stalker. And if they do call back, good for you. This is when you use the other tips.
6. Be spontaneous and be yourself
This is probably the most overused cliche for dating but it is still the best tip you can get. Pretending to be another person is not cool when it comes to dating, whichever medium you're trying it on.
If the phone continues to be an obstacle for you, it’s probably because you aren’t creating enough attraction when you first meet. Luckily, this is a fairly easy fix as well, by just trying these tips to become the Casanova that you ally are.
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