Learn where sexual confidence begin
Sexual confidence usually begins when a person knows exactly how to give his or her partner a mind-blowing pleasure. It's the confidence that no matter what you do, you are always doing the right thing to push your partner's buttons. And as you all know, making someone squirm is very easy if you know how to build anticipation. This is something we like to call "two steps forward. one step back" method. Imagine yourself trying to give it all you've got to your partner. When you think they are enjoying themselves, put a brake n what you're doing. Then resume and take it a notch higher. Do this and you'll guarantee to have them squirming like crazy.
Stop being manipulative
Most people take sex as a game. Though this work for many people, it is not a clear way to be able to get that sweet score you wanna get. So stop tricking other people in going to bed with you. Just be honest. There is still nothing to the good ol' emotions that will make sex way better than just the classic "wham, bam, thank you, ma'am."
Delay gratification
Just like what was said in teh first entry, anticipation is the key to being a sexually confident individual. And you can add up to this by building up sexual tension between you and your partner and make them want you even more. This way, you'll be able to amplify their arousal the moment you give it to them.
Act like sex is normal
Well, it is. So just don't make it a big deal. MOst people gets nervous when it comes to sex that makes them more vulnerable. Just have fun with it, continue with the teasing and make everything light and not like it's part of a job.
Put sex into perspective
With this one, we mean that you should not treat sex as the ultimate goal in your relationship. This way, you take all the burden out of it and you treat it just as a normal part of your life. Remember, your relationship won't end the moment you and your partner do it. The critical part is actually what will happen after you've done it.

Imagine yourself getting into first base, then second and third. It will just take you a couple of steps before you finally get into home base. Then your partner stop you for some reason, maybe they are not yet ready for it. Don't take this personally because most often than not, it is not because of you. It is probably just them having second thoughts. Just take it as a sign that it is still not yet the time. And remember, don't be too pushy if you got rejected.
Get in touch with your animal side
Simply put, just let yourself go and let instinct take control. Sex should not be an organized task that should have different steps. Just do what you wanna do when you feel like doing it. This way, you guarantee your partner that you are really enjoying what you're doing and you are not having any doubts about your relationship.
So there you go, we hope these tips can help you get closer to becoming a true Casanova. Sex is a normal part of relationship and you should just enjoy it like how most people do.
1 comment:
Nice post.
I would like to add a little to this. A person can acquire sexual confidence by following the tips outlined here : http://skilledwriter.wordpress.com/2008/09/04/sexual-confidence-easy-ways-to-acquire-it/
All it takes is hard work, perseverance, a little sprinkling of patience.
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