"What are you thinking?"
This question just invokes major argument. Why? Well, because basically guys don't know how to answer this. They will think that their partners are expecting them to commend them or say something sweet to them, which just puts them out there lying their hearts out. Most men just think about sex or sports so ladies, don't expect too much if ever you do ask this question to them.
"What would you do if I died?"
The question that usually follow this one is "Will you remarry?" And if your partner is the average fellow, he probably will. You certainly don't wanna hear that because it will just break your heart. And if he did tell you that he will not, you'll just probably accuse him of being dishonest. Besides, if you guys are not yet married, asking this question is like telling them that you already wanna get married, which is the ultimate fear of most men.
"Do you love me?"
Of course, they do. Why else would they still be hanging out with you if they don't. This question just shows that you are doubting them, instead of what you plan to do which is reassuring your love for each other. Most guys just don't wanna take that direction so women should jus be satisfied that they have a man.
"Do you think she's prettier than me?"
Only ask men this question if you are ready to break up with them. This is probably the second most difficult question for them to answer, well because this is like a trick question that if they answer to no, you will think they are liars. And if they answer yes, they'll think that you will call them cheating bastards. Just don't put your partners in this situation or else just suffer the consequence of a pretty long fight.

Another question that is very hard for men to answer. Probably the most difficult, matter of fact. Obviously, they don't wanna hurt your feelings by calling you fat or saying that you look like a cow. But of course, you ladies want your man to be honest all the time. Because of this, many men are just confused on what is the right thing to say if this question is being asked. Do them a favor and don't put them in this kind of situation. Honestly, it could be very traumatizing.
So there you go, ladies. Just spare yourself and your partner of the petty fight that may come out because of this silly questions. As much as possible, just stir clear of this kind of interrogations so you can have a happy life, you and your boyfriends.
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