"She's/He's Hot!"
No matter what you do, never ever let your partner hear you say complimenting other people for being hot or beautiful or attractive. Though it's a normal thing to admire other people, just be sure not to be too vocal about it when in front of your lover. This is usually the cause of fights between partners and one of the main reason of relationships breaking up. If you still can't help yourself, better start looking for someone else. Or just hope that the person you referred to as hot won't mind going out with you.
"My ex would..."
Don't ever start a statement with these words, unles you want to start a big fight. Comparing you current partner to your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend is just a war waiting to happen. You lover have trusted that you have already moved on, so making any reference to your exes will just bring you back to awkward-ville, and surely you don't like that. Just remember that current relations and exes just won't mix.
"Your friend is a bitch/dick."
Never ever bad-mouht their friends, no matter how big of an asshole they really are. Those are people they trust and care about. Just assume that you too don't like your partner saying bad things about your friends, especially those who are really close to you. This is especially true with girls and their BFF.
"You bitch/dick."
If they don't like you telling bad things about their friends, they probably won't like it when you do it to them. Calling them "bitch" or "dick" or any cuss word for that matter is just not right. Not even when you are in the heat of the moment while your arte making love. Leave those kind of dirty talks to the pornstars, unless your girlfriend/boyfriend dig a little kinkiness in bed.
"I'm not good enough for you."
We've discussed ho most people admire confidence. So saying this line is just admitting to your partner that you are one big loser who should not even had the chance with them. Besides, no one likes quitters.
"If you really love me, you would..."
Saying saomething that start with these words is just a big no-no. First of all, you are giving them bad signals that you are not the one for them. Second of all, this statement just brags that you are questioning their love towards you. And finally, you are trying to make your partner do something that they really don't want to do, which in many ways tell them that you are a controlling bastard.
"You're just like your mother/father."
People love their parents, but that does not mean that they wanna be like them when they grow up. No matter what you might want to believe, no one would want to be compared to their mother or father because most children's aim in life is to be better than their parents. This statement is just saying that they failed miserably in life because you, of all the people, still thinks that they are just like their parents.
"I'm not in the mood"
Okay, this is not so much for the ladies because let's admit it, there's a double standard when it comes to bed. But for guys to say that they are not in the mood, it's just like a slap in the face of your ladylove because it is not that often that women make the first move when it comes to having sex. So turning them down on those rare situations is just a fight waiting to happen.
"I don't like that..."
No matter how hideous their stuff look to you, never ever tell your partner that you don't like it. You might get away with not complimenting their new shirt, pants or hair style, but trying to tell them that it's not good and you don't like it just gives them the signal to start shouting at you for being insensitive and being an ass.

So there you go, just some of the things you should avoid saying to your partner. And if there are instances that you are not sure what to say, just shut up and don't open your mouth to avoid hurt feelings. Silence is still golden, you know.