His or her parent's house. Dating, as we all know it, should be done in slow steps toward progression. And meeting the parents is definitely not among those things you wanna do first. So just avoid dates involving you or your date's parents because it is just not the time for that.
A family function. Again, succession and patience is the key. And if either of you don't wanna meet the parents, that also goes with anyone of your relatives. That's why family gatherings, reunions and parties are just no-no's when it comes with the first date. You don't wanna let your date meet your annoying aunts and nephews the same day you are trying to impress him/her, don't you?
A non-traditional restaurant. It's alright to go adventurous when going out on dates. But not to the extent that you'll try eating something that you don't really have clue of what it is. SO just stay away from food joints that serves food that you and your date haven't tried out before. You don't wanna remember your first date by the fact that one of your kept on throwing up or taking trips to the bathroom...
Arcades. Being young is good, even if it's only being young at heart. But being childish? That's a different situation altogether. If you're a teenage boy trying to impress your crush, maybe this is a good idea. But if you're already a grown-up guy who is making your own money already, aside from this date being completely stupid, it will just send signals to your date that you are a cheap bastard.
Fastfood joints. Come on, it's your first date with a person you wanna impress. Taking him/her to a fastfood restaurant like McDonalds or Burger King is just pathetic and way cheap. Why not just take them to Chucky Cheese and forget about that second date?
A hotel or a motel. Unless you're some big-time rockstar, you cannot take your date to your hotel or motel room. Aside from giving them an impression that you are some twisted, horny pervert, it is just not cool having your first date with a total stranger in a room with a bed in it.
Shopping malls. This is a shout out to all the ladies. Not all guys like walking through every stores and bringing your things. In fact, most guys just hates shopping. So don't expect your date to have fun because being your shopping buddy on the first date is just not that fun.
The movies. Well, this is kinda tricky actually. But as we all know, first dates are all about getting to know each other. So how would you guys do that when you're trying to watch some movie for two hours? Ummm... NEVER!
Again, these things are just suggestions and ideas. Just always remember that dating is not a clear science and there are really no strict rules to be followed. Just learn to have fun and appreciate the person you're with, and you're surely not gonna go wrong on any dates.

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