In Spanish
I love you
Te quiero Te amo
Kisses are the unspoken words of love
Siano i baci le parole d'amore che non ti dico
I am in love
Estoy enamorado/ estoy enamorada
I miss you
Te echo de menos
I adore you passionately
Te adoro apasionadamente
I love you with all my heart
Te quiero con todo mi corazón
Love me or I shall die!
¡Quiéreme o me muero!
I can't live without you
No puedo vivir sin ti
I want to be with you forever
Quiero estar contigo para siempre
I love you more than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow
Cada día te quiero más que ayer y menos que mañana
In French
I love You
Je t'aime
I adore you
Je t'adore
You are the joy of my life
Tu es ma joie de vivre
You are my love
Tu es mon mon amour
My love for you is eternal
Mon amour pour toi est éternel
My love for you is as grand as the world
Mon amour pour toi est si grand que le Mond
You are my love
Tu es mon mon amour
Kisses are the unspoken words of love
Que mes baisers soient les mots d'amour que je ne te dis pas
I dream about Your eyes day and night
Tes yeux, j'en reve jour et nuit
I miss you
Tu me manques
In Polish
I love you
Kocham cię
I like you
Lubie cię
People were created because of love and to love
Czlowiek stworzony jest z milości i do milości
Love is a wonder wich can happen again
Milosc to cud, który zawsze może się znów zdarzyć
Don’t talk, just kiss
Milcz i całuj
Love is a happiness
Milość sama w sobie jest szczęściem
You would never love like before
Nie kocha się nigdy jak przedtem
I think about you
Myślę o Tobie
I was dreaming about you last night
Śniłaś mi się tej nocy
I don’t want to lose you
Nie chcę Cię stracić
In Italian
I love you
Ti amo
You are a star...my star
Tu sei una stella...la mia stella
I am falling in love with you
Sto cadendo nell'amore con voi
I can't live without you
Non posso vivere senza voi
My heart is for you
Il mio cuore è per voi
I like you more and more
Gradisco voi di più e più
I love you with all my heart
Ti amo con tutta l'anima
I miss you
Mi manchi
You're my soulmate
Sei la mia anima gemella
I want to spend the rest of my life with you
Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te
In Japanese
I love you
Watashi wa anata ga suki desu
I need you
Anata ga hitsuyou desu
I miss you
Anata ga inakute samishii
Love needs no teaching
Koi ni shishou nashi
Love makes all men equal
Koi ni jouge no hedate nashi
Love is without reason
Koi wa shian no hoka
Love is blind
Koi wa moumoku
Love becomes deep easily, but cools down soon
Koi wa nesshi yasuku same yasui
You are an angel
Anata wa tenshi no yoo desu
You have beautiful eyes
Kirei-na hitomidane
In Filipino
I love you
Mahal kita
You are dear to me
Mahal ka sa akin
I want to spend the rest of my life with you
Gusto kitang makasama habang buhay
I want to marry you
Gusto na kitang pakasalan
You are an angel
Ikaw ay isang anghel

Ikaw lamang ang aking iibigin magpakailanman
I love you truly
Ang pag-ibig ko sa iyo ay tunay
I'll take care of you
Aalagaan kita
I won't neglect you
Hindi kita pababayaan
I'll die without you
Mamamatay ako kung wala ka
There you go. You now have the tools to be a multilingual lover. All we can say here at Dating 4-1-1 is, GO GET THEM TIGER!!!
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