1. Thou shall not talk about the exes too much.
Everybody has their own baggage that comes from several past relationships. And these baggages have no place when it comes to trying to impress another person. So just avoid talking too much about past boyfriends or girlfriends to the one your currently dating. Though you may talk about it once in a while, but that is only when you guys have already been together long.
2. Thou shall not frequent your exes.
If you're not allowed to talk about them that much, you are not also allowed to spend too much time with them. As much as you like to stay friends with your exes, this does not look good to the person you are currently dating. Unless you wanna risk being dumped and being along again.
3. Thou shall learn how to compliment.
Learn how to make the other person feel good about themselves. A little pat on the back when they did something nice, especially for you, is not half-bad. Good ol' fashion compliments are never out of style like telling your date they look good.
4. Thou shall not put your partner to the pedestal.
Though most people like the feeling that other people treat them importantly, overdoing it may also kill it. There's nothing wrong with praising and commending things that your partners have done, but never do this in such a way that you are treating them just like they are gods and goddesses. Just try to treat them like normal people. Remember: no one is perfect.
5. Thou shall not be too enthusiastic.
When we say "too enthusiastic," this include people who acts like stalkers. It's alright to be concerned on what your partner is doing at certain moments, but not every time. There's still a thin line between being caring and being too clingy. YOu don't wanna seem too pathetic also.
6. Thou shall not be too serious.
This means that when you think someone is not into you, just give up. They say that quitting is not good, but it is when it comes to dating. Especially when you see that all your efforts are just going down the drain. It'll be easy for both parties to just move on with the next thing and forget all about it.
7. Thou shall not discuss other men/women.
Jealousy the most common perpetrator of broken relationship. So just don't let this green-eyed monster get in between you and the person you are dating. Avoid talking about other people and saying good things about them.
8. Thou shall not let yourself go.
After you've been able to spend some time with someone, that does not mean that you can let your guard down. Well, you can be comfortable around them at a certain point, but not too much. Just don't forget to do stuff that can impress the other person because admit it, dating is always all about survival of the fittest. And once you let your guard down, you are dead meat.
9. Thou shall not rush into things.
Leave the "wanna go out this weekend?" and "wanna meet my parents?" lines at home especially when you are still on the start of a relationship. You are just bringing awkwardness to much greater levels and that will leave you all alone once again.
10. Thou shall not lose faith.
Faith on whom? Well, yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always have yourself to fall back into. And besides, if you don't believe that you can find that one special person, you will not. So just continue on dating and never quit until you meet the right one for you.
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