Be confident of yourself. And this includes being confident about your physical appearance. Looks may be the first thing a guy would notice, but you should also be able to carry yourself. You might not be the supermodel most men desire, but there are still guys out there who are looking for the plain Jane who has the confidence needed to survive the real world.

Be happy. Happy women attracts men. In fact, they attract just about anything that is good. Well, imagine yourself being a guy and you see and girl all sad and lonely. You definitely don't have time for her. Looking like a pathetic mess ain't just cut it if you wanna have guys swarming all over you. Smile, a simple act like that can go for miles.
Be the master of body talk. Body language is one of the most effective way women can lure men into them. The first thing to remember is to make yourself approachable. How do you do that? Don't take a lot of space. Then after these, just follow your instinct and be sexy and confident enough, at the same time not being trashy.
Be yourself. No person like people who are pretentious, in any way. So don't try to be someone who you aren't. Just act normal around guys and let them fall for the real you. You don't have to make too much of an effort to lure them in if you are just being true to yourself.
So there you have it, some ways to effectively snatch that guy you have always been dreaming of. Remember, and we here at Dating 4-1-1 always say this, that these are just tips and suggestions. Dating is a fun experience and all you people should just enjoy it and do whatever you think is fun and right.
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